Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Flu again!

Makayla is sick again with the flu. Poor little thing. There is an up side to having her sick is that she is very cuddly. When she is not sick she just doesn't stop all day which can be very tiring for Miranda and I.

The past couple of days I have been in the pool and not just swimming. I have been doing this pool running which is keeping me from wanting to go out and run. I have read many articles on pool running and most have said that by doing this you won't lose any run fitness and that you can maintain the same level as before. I am going to give this a try. I have nothing to lose.

Today I also swam 3500m but I felt that I was going backwards the whole time. Maybe my arms are still a little tired from the weekend. Even though I felt like I was going backwards my time was not that bad than what I thought it would be. My main set was 15x100m on 1:30 and I held 1:20 for each of then. This is okay for the amount of training I have been putting in. I would love to see my time under 1:10 for all of them but that will come later on, I hope.

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