Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I am in!!!

Last Monday, Ironman Arizona open registration for the 2013 race. All morning I was very excited and nervous at the same time. What if I didn't get in? That was the question going through my head all morning. Registration open at 2pm and I was online refreshing the website like a mad man. The link showed up and I quickly clicked on it. I heard somewhere that once you click on the link you had 15mins to finish the registration before your spot was given away to the next person. I did not want to risk that and so I quickly went through the registration process only filling out the very important stuff. I think it took me under 1min to finish everything and put my credit card down. I think I did not even breath during that whole process until I saw the email saying that I was officially registered. Not long after that I found out from others that they were not able to get a spot and further reading on slowtwitch the entire race was full in record time. Some say it was sold out in 40secs. The 15min to fill out the registration was not true. Some where half way done the registration when they got the message that everything was on hold. All I know is that I have a spot. It is too early to go to crazy with Ironman training but right now I am training 10-14 hours per week. Lots of base building. I am not worrying about swimming until the new year because I know all my big gains will be from my bike and run. Swimming I may be able to drop 1-5mins on the best day but biking and running I could see anywhere up to an hour if everything goes well. I am sad that the race sold out so fast. There was a few racers from Peterborough that was wanting to go do that race but did not get in. I hope they are able to get in next year or in another race.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad 2 c you got in. If your ever looking for a training partner in the area I think we are on the same level. Sometimes it helps to get a push. I am still in the pool at the ymca and running with runners life for 2013. Hope to see you around.