So, I did not make it under 3hours but I did get a PB by over 5 mins. I am happy with my overall race. I really enjoyed this race a little more than New York Marathon. Not that New York wasn't great but I was able to enjoy the crowds more because I did not push myself to the point were I was completely drained.
It was great to have a bunch of us at the athlete village because it helped passed the time waiting for the start. Once in my corral I pair up with Richard who was looking to run the same as me. With me starting in the 5th corral I did not expect the start to be very fast. At the first mile I check my split and I was already around 30sec off the pace. I thought to myself not to panic because there is still lots of miles left. I was able to get back that 30 sec and a few more before the half and I crossed the half way mark at my project time. I was still feel great and stayed at the same pace because everyone has been telling me that this race doesn't start until mile 16 where the hills start. I did not have much problems in the hills until mile 19 when I started to fall off the 3hours pace. I had to decide at that point if I wanted to push myself through that pain or enjoy the race. I went for the enjoy the race. Coming in to the home stretch the crowds where unreal and I soaked up all the cheers and crossed the finish line with a smile on my face.
The after party was awesome and it was nice to hear everyones story of their race. Overall it was a great trip and I might think of going next year but I could be pro sueded to do a different race. It was nice to get home and see Makayla. It is unbelievable how much she changes in the 4 days away from her. Even though Miranda and I missed Makayla I was the best for both of us.
The past two days I have been in the pool trying to get my form back. I feel like a brick in the water but it is starting to feel a little better each time. This is a good time to build my swimming back because my legs are not ready for a run yet. I am hoping to get on my bike but it is hard because Miranda has been working so much and that leaves me to care for Makayla. Not that I am complaining but I wish I had a bike carrier at this point so I could take her out for a little bike ride.
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